NPA Launch Conference Details for 12th October 2018


The NPA are now taking bookings for their Annual Conference and Awards Dinner on 12th October 2018 at the Victoria Plaza, London SW1V 1EQ

This years’ Conference features;

Keynote speech from the FCA- Covering outcomes of activity in 2018 and plans for 2019 including the introduction of the Senior Managers Regime (SMCR).

Full Compliance update- A review from our expert Stephen Atkins on FCA matters

Anti Money Laundering- An update on AML by our expert Stuart Lennon from Lime Consultancy.

Bank De Risking- Richard Wagner, CEO of Cashplus will discuss bank account issues and opportunities for NPA members

Jewellery Market- A presentation of the Jewellery Market from Doug Henry, CEO of the Birmingham Assay Office

Preventing Fraud- A showcase joint presentation on fraud by the Met Police, the Art Loss Register and also Safer Gems.

Synthetic Diamonds- Presentation on Identifying Synthetic Diamonds by Samantha Sibley, Technical Educator of De Beers

Those attending the Conference will be invited to a free network drinks reception sponsored by T H March on Thursday 11th October at 4pm.

In the evening the Awards Dinner will feature a Champagne Reception sponsored by The Gold Emporium with live music, and popular stand-up comedian Lea Roberts

Booking early guarantees places. Those booking both a Conference and Dinner seat will receive a £20 discount. A booking form is attached which can be posted or returned to this e mail or to ; or simply call Kristy on 020 8616 7266 and she will be happy to fill it in for you and send you a copy.

Kindly sponsored by; Cash Converters, John Pye Auctions, T H March, Western Union, Bransom, Birmingham Assay Office, Travelex, Retail Systems Ltd, The Gold Emporium, Pickwick Pawnbrokers, Presman Mastermelt.