Household Debt Grows


Household Debt Grows

According to the Trades Union Council, unsecured debt per household will pass pre-crisis peak this year, and exceed £15,000 by 2020. Their analysis of household debt, finds that unsecured debt per household will reach a record high of £13,900 this year.  The rise in household debt reflects the UK’s ongoing living standards crisis, says the TUC. Wages in the UK are still worth around £20 per week less than before the financial crisis a decade ago. And official figures from the ONS show that real wages are now falling again. County Court debt judgments against consumers have risen 35% in England and Wales, and the Bank of England is investigating concerns about unsecured lending to households. TUC General Secretary Frances O’Grady said: “The surge in household debt is putting the economy in the danger zone. “We’ve got this problem because wages haven’t recovered. Credit cards and payday loans are helping to prop up household spending for now, but millions of families are running on empty“